At the end of 2016 we purchased one hectare land in the district of Tanandava, on the outskirts of Toliara, a town in the extreme south of Madagascar. The district of Tanandava is one of the poorest in Toliara,  the capital of the largest province and with the largest number of destitute people in Madagascar. On this land we are building a semi-residential college, that will accomodate up to 100 secondary school students. As of today we have built a wall in bricks and reinforced concrete (about 410 linear meters to a height of 2 meters), we dug two wells for the water, we built a first block of about 120 meters square, at the moment used for storage that, once the college is completed, will be used half as an office and and half as a dwelling for the guardian. We have also completed the construction of the classrooms and medication room block, composed of five class-rooms, a meeting room for teachers, a medical-room and services, for a total of about 280 square meters. We also completed the construction of the kitchen-canteen-laundry block, for a total of about 380 square meters. There are still to be built a block for the male dormitory for 40 students and two for the famale dormitory for 60 students, a reception house for expatriate staff  and for teachers, a multi-purpose basket/volley court, other toilets with their septic tanks and all necessary furnishing. A portion of the land of about 1.000 square meters will be used as a school garden. The school garden as a dual function: on the one hand to cultivate, collect and store products for the daily use of the canteen, on the other it is used, with the help of an agronomist, to teach students the various phases of the agricultural chain, from the preparation of the land to the collection and storage of soil products. The supply of the electricity will be guaranteed by the local grid and a photovoltaic system. Hopefully we should be able to start the lessons in November, at the moment only at daytime.



Land purchase for the College4.000completed
Construction of two water wells 700completed
Construction of the enclosure wall12.000completed
Construction of the office block - guardian house12.000completed
Construction of the classrooms block - infirmary12.000completed
Construction of two bicameral septic tanks2.000completed
Construction of the kitchen - storey block24.000completed



Building of a reception house for staff and teachers25.000to fund
Building of three dormitory for students65.000to fund
Building of a multipurpose basket/volley court7.500to fund
Purchase and installation of e photovoltaic set + generator set20.000to fund


Purpose of payment: building of a semi residential college – Toliara

  • CREVAL Bank  ag. 20 Roma

IBAN CODE: IT52O0521603220000000098064


Account to: Fondazione Andare Oltre onlus
  • Poste Italiane
c.c. 2049811
ACCOUNT TO: Fondazione Andare Oltre onlus
iban: IT47V0760103200000002049811
Updated on December 20,  2019                                                                                                                           
Piero Petricca

In Madagascar, as in Burundi, access to public health services is paid for, so it is reserved only for a small number of people, living mainly in urban centres, while it is much more complex for those living in rural areas. The report on human development compiled by the UN in 2017 as part of its development programmes shows that the Human Development Index (HDI) for 2015 puts Madagascar in 158th place out of 188 countries examined, down from the previous year; in the same report the HDI for Burundi puts it in 184th place, also down from the previous year. One of the greatest difficulties encountered by the Malagasy rural populations in their movements is linked on the one hand to the large size of Madagascar (it is the fourth largest island in the world with a surface area twice that of Italy) and on the other hand to the almost total lack of paved roads or roads that can be travelled in acceptable times and without serious inconvenience, as well as the extreme poverty in which a large part of them find themselves. The Foundation’s activities in Madagascar began in 2015, and in these three and a half years we have carried out about 500 outpatient services and 55 surgical operations. To move between the variou villages around Toliara we have always used off-road vehicles, due to the disastrous state of maintenance of the roads, taking up to 3-4 hours to cover just over 150 km. As in Burundi, also in Madagascar, the Foundation is responsible not only for medical interventions (outpatient services, hospitalization, surgery), but also for the payment of these services for the needy people. Average cost of hospitalization per patient (hospitalization, surgery, average stay of 15 days) is around 105 Euros.

To help us support this project you can adopt a bed/year, in one solution or with monthly transfers.

Those who would like to contribute to support this project can use the following coordinates:

causal: health project – adoption of a bed

Banca Credito Valtellinese Ag. 20 Rome

IBAN: IT52OR05216032200000098064
Registered in the Andare Oltre onlus Foundation

Italian Post Office
Postal current account No. 2049811
Registered in the Andare Oltre onlus Foundation
IBAN: EN47V0760103200000002049811

In Burundi, as in much of Africa, access to health care is, for most of the population, very complicated, for many reasons. First of all, because the vast majority of the inhabitants live in the rural areas of the country, where there are no satisfactory health facilities; secondly, because many of the hospitals, especially the public ones, are in difficult conditions, with a lack of both medical and paramedical personnel and of suitable equipment; lastly, but perhaps the most important aspect, access to Healthcare, both public and private, is paid for, so that a large part of the population, living in a state of poverty, does not have the economic availability to access services (visits, blood or instrumental tests, medicines, surgery).

In the course of our missions we make visits to the country’s health centres, outpatient services of various kinds, surgical interventions. We carry out an average of two missions per year. Since 2010 we have treated about three thousand patients, and of these we have operated on about seven hundred. In order to optimise our activity we make use not only of the professionalism and competence of our volunteers, but also of local healthcare personnel, who are trained and paid by us. In addition, the Foundation, as provided for in the articles of association, also bears the costs of hospitalization and medical treatment of indigent people, which represent about eighty percent of all patients treated in various capacities.The average cost for each hospitalised patient, including blood and X-ray tests, surgery, medical treatment, blood transfusions and the average stay of 15 days, is currently around 105 euros.

To help us support this project you can adopt a bed/year, in one solution or with monthly transfers.

Those who would like to contribute to support this project can use the following coordinates:

causal: health project – adoption of a bed

Banca Credito Valtellinese Ag. 20 Rome

IBAN: IT52OR05216032200000098064
Registered in the Andare Oltre onlus Foundation

Italian Post Office
Postal current account No. 2049811
Registered in the Andare Oltre onlus Foundation
IBAN: EN47V0760103200000002049811

In Burundi there is a high number of people with amputation of limbs, especially lower limbs. Many of these impairments are the result of war (the civil war ended in 2004), others are due to traumas on the street or at work, others are the result of disabling and destructive diseases (especially osteomyelitis and sickle-cell anemia) or serious malformations of the limbs.
Since 2010 we have treated 54 people with leg and thigh amputations, both for revision of stumps from previous amputations and for primary amputations. Among the latter thirteen patients were suffering from severe osteomyelitis and five from torpid ulcers in patients with drepanocytosis, which could no longer be treated conservatively. The average age of the patients is 32 years, including a 10-year-old girl. For these reasons we decided to equip Bubanza Hospital with a centre for the production of prostheses and orthoses.

The project provides funding for the production and donation of prostheses and orthotics to the needy through the following steps:

      • Training of local staff
      • Establishment of a prosthetic registry
      • Recruitment of people in need of prostheses and orthotics
      • Their entry in the prosthesis registry
      • Sending to the prosthesis centre of the Bubanza Hospital where it will be built, tested and possibly modified to make it suitable for its function.

    • Delivery of the item to the recipient
    • Commitment on our part to replace the prosthesis in the event of wear and tear or theft, and, as far as children are concerned, periodic replacement in parallel with their growth, so as to ensure them maximum autonomy and the possibility of integration into the social and working environment.

The cost of a leg prosthesis for amputation below the knee with an articulated foot is currently around 400 euros.

The following coordinates can be used to support this project:

causal: Prosthesis project

Banca Credito Valtellinese ag. 20 Rome
IBAN: IT52OR05216032200000098064
made out to the Andare Oltre onlus Foundation

Italian Post Office

Postal current account No. 2049811

made out to the Andare Oltre onlus Foundation

IBAN: EN47V0760103200000002049811

Published on 10 October 2019

Piero Petricca