The “Loharano Association” (loharano.mada@gmail.com) is based in Antananarivo, Madagascar, in the Tsarazaza district of Itaosy; the President is Mr. Edmond Randranarivony, agronomist. We started the collaboration in 2015 for the development of a project to support school activities which is based on three fundamental points:

  • School construction
  • Teacher training
  • payment of salaries to teachers

So far we have largely financed the construction of four classrooms of a secondary school in the village of Antsahanadrisa, Itasy region, Antananarivo province. These facilities can accommodate up to 100 students. It is currently attended by 88 pupils, while the teaching staff consists of a Headmaster and seven teachers.
In the coming months we will build the Director’s office and we will have to dig a water well, which will be used as a preparation for the construction of the toilets.









Modificato il 22-10-2019

Piero Petricca

The Radler Association is based in Toliara, Madagascar, in one of the poorest places in the country; the President is Mrs. Yvette Estine Arnoel Ralalanirina. The Association was founded by Aimone (Imo) Del Ponte, an Italian who has lived in Madagascar since 2004, and Mrs. Yvette, and is based in the Antaravay-salimo district, which is one of the poorest and most degraded in the whole city. The Association was born with the intent to take children and young people of the neighborhood off the street, through their involvement in school and play activities. The name “Radler” was chosen in memory of her son, who died at the age of 19. In collaboration with the Radler Association we are developing, since 2015, a project to support school activities focused on three main points:

  • School building
  • Teacher training
  • payment of salaries to teachers

As regards the first point (school building) we have already co-financed and completed the renovation and furnishing of four classrooms for primary school teaching in the Antaravay-Salimo district, replacing the old and inhospitable classrooms. We have also purchased a 10,000 square metres plot of land in the Tanandava district, where we have started the construction of a semi-residential college that will accommodate 100 secondary school students.



















With these activities we achieve two other very important goals:

  • the improvement of the hygienic conditions of children through the washing of hands and the use of the shower, which results in a reduction of skin diseases.

  • the administration of at least one meal a day (which will become three at the opening of the college) to the students, with a qualitative and quantitative improvement of their nutrition.

As far as the updating of teachers is concerned, between 2016 and 2017, in the city of Toliara, we organized two basic courses and an advanced course, in which about 90 teachers and headmasters of local schools took part. The courses were held by Professor Anna Maria Fantauzzi, professor of Medical and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Turin and president of the “prati-care” Association, active in Italy and Africa (Kenya and Senegal).

At the same time we also integrate the salaries of the school teachers.

Posted on November 22, 2019 

Piero Petricca

The APS Association is based in Bujumbura, Burundi; it was founded by Marie Claire Gegera, a Burundian Nurse who has been living and working in Genoa for several years, and who was orphaned at a very young age by both her parents, who died during the civil war that bloodied the country for many years. In 2005, in a refugee camp in Rwanda, she met her mother’s murderer who, before dying, asked her to forgive him. From these experiences she became convinced of the need to help her neighbour with the motto “Charity on the move”. The Association carries out food prevention campaigns in the villages of Burundi, indicating the diets and nutrition needed to prevent malnutrition diseases, so common and serious in the poorest sections of the population. APS is also responsible for providing the poorest families with free basic health care, since health care is paid for and many people cannot access it because they do not have money. The other project concerns the support of individual activities through the donation of a cow to every poor family that requests it, with the modalities and requirements identified by the Association.

Posted on November 22, 2019

Piero Petricca